Burke's Hot Sauce

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Mexican Hot Chocolate


  • 1 Cup milk, soy milk, almond milk, or water

  • 1 package/disc Taza Chocolate Discs (any flavor)

  • A couple dashes of Burke’s Black Garlic Cayenne Hot Sauce

  • Salt to taste


  1. Roughly chop or grate one disc of any flavor of Taza chocolate disc and set aside.

  2. Heat one cup of milk or water in a small saucepan over medium heat to just below a simmer.

  3. Remove the milk from the heat and add a pinch of salt.

  4. Slowly mix in the chocolate, stirring frequently until dissolved.

  5. When the chocolate is dissolved, return the mixture to the stove and re-warm over low heat.

  6. Add a dash (or few) of Burke’s Garlic Cayenne.

  7. While the chocolate is warming, use a whisk or molinillo to froth the chocolate.

  8. When the chocolate is hot and frothy, remove from heat and serve immediately.